The Romantic Gesture

A gift of flowers shows you care, whatever you choose. Your thoughts and feelings can easily be shown with a beautiful bouquet of flowers from your local Rockingham florist.

Office Flowers

Many businesses have beautiful flowers on display – in the office, on the reception desk, in the foyer or boardroom – but few realise the full benefit fresh flowers can give.

Give some cheer, give flowers

flowers provide health benefits for older people – helping with depression and even improving memory! Add in the simple fact that you are letting them know that they are in your thoughts, flowers can be a gift worth so much, much more than the money spent.

Father’s Day 2013

We have some great new Father’s Day gift ideas available on-line or in-store. Check out our Terrariums or our For Him Gift Basket. Also new this year we have something special for the dads that love chocolate. We have put together a package showcasing the delicious Fremantle Chocolate Factory range – featuring a box of… Continue reading Father’s Day 2013

Indoor Plants

Indoor plants are a great way to brighten up a living area, however many people have trouble keeping indoor plants alive. The biggest cause is usually a poor selection of plants to begin with. Most plants need sunlight to grow well; few are suited to the low light conditions indoors, particularly flowering plants. Some of… Continue reading Indoor Plants