Anzac Day

Sunday was, of course, Anzac Day and just like the 26 preceding Anzac Days, we delivered about 2 dozen memorial wreaths for the Rockingham service. We have relocated our shop four times (within Rockingham Shopping Centre) in these years, and in our current little shop big events like Anzac Day and Mothers Day can be a real challenge to try and get the same number of flowers into a shop half the size! But of course everything went off without a hitch.

Although it means we can’t attend the dawn service we are proud to able to serve the community and honour the day by spending our Anzac Day morning loading up our van with memorial wreaths and working with the RSL members to help the community mark this day of remembrance for fallen service men and women.

All of us here at Hanging Basket Florist look forward to continuing the tradition for many years to come.

By Todd Smith

Todd Smith Co-owner/Manager Hanging Basket Florist